Sensing surroundings plays a crucial role in human spatial perception, as it extracts the spatial configuration of objects as well as the free space from the observations. To facilitate the robot perception with such a surrounding sensing capability, …
SenseRover Pro is 1:10 scale autonomous driving car that miniaturing the level-4 autonomous driving system of a 1:1 autonomous driving car. It is equipped with all sort of sensors, actuators, and on-board computer which mimics the setup of a 1:1 autonomous driving car. System Pipeline and software design is much similar to a full scale solution. It is a commercialised educational product for different high school in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
RobotCar is a 1/10 scale Autonomous vehicle prototype. It carries a suite of sensors, perception, planning, control modules that are similar to a full scale solutions. Compare to others prevalent commercial research robots like Jackal UGV or TurtleBot, RobotCar address the issues of realistic vehicle dynamics; Ackermann steering and the ability to travel at a high speed are the main difference among other mobile robot platforms.